Highline workshop (beginners and intermediate)

Highline. In the beginning you have to deal with new moves, skills, heights and new feelings. This workshop will make your highline beginnings easier, safer and more enjoyable.

The course will be led by Anna Hanuš Kuchařová, who has 14 years of experience with highline all over the world and 10 years of slackline teaching experiences. She is a certified highline rigger by ISA (International Slackline Association) and she organized first slackline teacher certification in Czech Republic  in cooperation with Charles University and Czech Slackline Association.

What you can look forward to:

  • The 18 m long and 18 m high highline
  • Individual approach. You are the one who determines how far you want to go. And we will support you.
  • Experienced instructors who can advise, encourage and help you to use your potential.
  • Possibility of classic highline leash from bottom and longer highlines to try.
  • Good atmosphere. On the course, each participant goes to the edge of his/her abilities. Everyone experiences fear, overcoming, effort and joy. This creates a great friendly atmosphere that supports your courage.

6 hours long highline workshop in Liberec Czech republic (close to German and Polish boarder)

2025 March 30 (30.3. 2025)

11am – 5pm (11:00 – 17:00 CET)


Course info

 Liberec, Czech Republic (close to German and Poland)
 2025 March 30 (30. 3. 2025)
 11am – 5pm (11:00–17:00 CET)
 1 day
 2 690 CZK / 107 EUR
Sign up